thankful thursday

This week I am thankful for:

* A delightful trip to City Liquidators with my wonderful friend. Where else can you obtain socks, cleaning supplies, dishware, decorative Buddha heads, neon signs and furniture (antique through modern), all in a hundred-year-old multi-story warehouse festooned with old signs from all over Portland? And advertised weekly in fascinating ads featuring the grinning faces of owner Walt Pelett and his extended family? Loved it!
* Coffee.
* Completing almost all of my Christmas shopping.
* Supportive people.
* The kid's sudden enthusiasm for her reader books.
* Christmas decorations.
* Bing Crosby.
* The fact that in order to obtain free shipping on amazon, I was able to rationalize the purchase of a Lawrence Welk Christmas CD. Can't wait!

And you know, if you were to ask me how my week was going, I would say not at all well. I received some bad news about job prospects for which I had fervently hoped. Goes to demonstrate that if we look for the good, it's there to be found, even in the midst of frustration. This is a particularly helpful exercise on a week like this.

Now, to go wash my knee-high striped (and polka dotted... yes, both!) socks from Walt's...


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