thankful, um, friday

Ever read Kathleen Norris' Acedia and Me?  Fascinating book.  Resonates deeply.  I've been thinking a lot about what I do and do not need in life to be fully "me."  Intriguingly, despite the fact that people totally stress me out, I do suspect I need human interaction.  I struggle to make effective use of my time in the absence of human interaction.  I also struggle, with the same problem, when I am stressed from too much human interaction.  Goldilocks syndrome... a useful conclusion to reach, however, as I strive to aim for "just right."

Meanwhile, the day is beautiful and I have much to be thankful for.

* taking the kid to her first Junior Rose Parade -- she ran into new friends from school and had a great time, and I feel so blessed we can walk to the parade route from our new home.  A true Portland childhood experience!
* chaperoning the kid's Willamette Jet Boat field trip.  And surviving.  Beautiful views of Portland's bridges and waterfront.  And being able to help comfort another kid, who wasn't a fan.  It's good to feel useful.
* the tiger lilies in the backyard bloomed! :-)
* sunshine
* roses
* a nice husband who rearranged the laundry room to make my life easier
* a cookie from Helen Bernhard Bakery at the end of a long day yesterday
* June!
* ideas to ponder

How about you?


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