Christ the King
Christ the King Sunday, delivered at Creator Lutheran Church – November 24, 2019 Deacon Laura Gifford Luke 23:33-43 Well, then – blessed Christ the King Sunday! It’s a little weird, isn’t it, that we celebrate Christ the King by talking about Jesus’ death on the cross. Not necessarily a top way to Win Friends and Influence People. And yet, for a feast day that began with the Catholics, it’s an awfully Lutheran way to celebrate the sovereignty of our Lord and Savior. Lutheran theologians talk a lot about the “theology of the cross.” We recognize that we find God hanging out where God is needed: with the poor, the broken, the sick, the ignored, the imprisoned; those on the margins in our world. God meets us in our suffering. God understands, in a deeply embodied way, just what it means to experience those places. As Paul writes in the Colossians reading for today, “in [Jesus] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell...