praying for each other

Prayer is a connection between us and God, a way for us to be in relationship with the One who created us and sustains us.

God is, however, an awfully smart... well, not "guy," because God isn't human and is bigger than gender anyway, but I'm sure you get what I mean. God has created us to be in community, and it seems to me that prayer is another one of God's wonderful ways of providing for us through each other.

Is there anything nicer than hearing someone say they will pray for you? That they care for you enough to spend their time and enlist their relationship with God on your behalf? I'm not sure there is. I heard just that today from two beautiful young women for whom I've spent considerable time in prayer, as youth leader and since then as a friend. To hear them say they would pray for my own vocational journey... that touches me very deeply.

Prayer links us into a web of connections that provides a foundation for times when we are struggling and a chorus of thanksgiving for our seasons of joy and praise. Our link with God? That is paramount. These links with others? I suspect they're a pretty important part of God's plan, too.

Praying for anyone today? Keep it up. Have the opportunity to let them know? Do it! God listens no matter what, but the knowledge that others are praying is a powerful gift.


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