fruit of the Spirit

Goodness knows why I haven't noticed this before, but in the spirit of sharing, here's my revelation of the week: Ephesians 5:22, The Living Bible translation: "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." 

I prefer the gender-neutrality of the NRSV, because I really don't think the Holy Spirit has a gender, but I love the specificity of TLB: when the Holy Spirit controls our lives.  The NRSV uses "the fruit of the Spirit," which really does mean the same thing, but because it's less specific I tend to overlook the vital element in this passage that makes all the difference.  The Holy Spirit produces this fruit.  We don't -- we bear these gifts because we are vessels of the Holy Spirit. 

This distinction makes all the difference.  I see this passage and tend to think, Great!  I would love to produce this fruit!  Thanks, Holy Spirit, for helping me! 

And that completely misses the point.

We can't produce these gifts on our own, or even with the Holy Spirit as junior partner.  Or senior partner.  We produce these gifts when we Let. Go.  When we recognize that God's gifts are freely given; they cannot be earned.  When we release and relax into the recognition of God's provision, even when we aren't sure where the winds of the Spirit will take us.


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