catch a moonbeam in your hands

Daddy was out of town earlier in the week, so the 6-year-old and I enjoyed some "girl time" watching The Sound of Music.  Ever since we finished the film she's been wandering around singing "nobody solves a problem like Maria."  Those familiar with the score will be aware that the words are actually "how do you solve a problem like Maria," referring to her apparent unsuitability for the restrained and contemplative life of a nun.

A simple case of misunderstood lyrics?  Perhaps, but this misunderstanding is based upon something deeper: the nuns' problem turned out to be the solution to what was, for a 6-year-old, the most compelling problem: the plight of the Von Trapp children.  Nobody does solve a problem like Maria, if you reset the boundaries.  She restored joy, music and a father's love to the lives of seven children--and brought romantic love back to the life of Captain Von Trapp, as well.  Maria may have been trouble in a nunnery, but she was precisely the woman for the job to which she was called.

The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone...--Psalm 118:22

The kid's reading of The Sound of Music helps demonstrate an important truth: life may not bring what we expect, but it does have purpose.  People or circumstances may not be what we expect, but they may be the very thing we need.  Captain Von Trapp could never have predicted that his call to the nunnery in search of a governess would restore him to life, love and his family.

Those people in first-century Palestine were pretty surprised by a certain Jesus figure.

It may be cliché to state that "the Lord works in mysterious ways," but there's a reason these phrases survive for so long.

Well, the kid and her friend are playing house, and their discussion of what's for dinner is becoming tremendously detailed... I suspect this is a sign they need actual food.  Meanwhile, as Rogers and Hammerstein would say,

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream.


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