blessings and stories

It's sunny (and hot!).  The kid has finally recovered!!  I managed to get myself out the door for a morning run.  I enjoyed a few minutes of prayerful reflection on the back patio with the cat before it was time to get the kid some breakfast.

The kid wanted to eat breakfast in the first place.

I am thankful for good days after bad.  Blessings do look most impressive in context.

I've been reading Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  I'm only about a third of the way through, but already I recommend it.  Don reflects on the reality that our lives are our stories.  How well are we living our stories?  Do we like our stories?  If not, how might we "write" better stories?  What do our stories reveal about who we are and how we are choosing to live?  Fascinating food for thought.


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