
I love a good parade, and we had the opportunity to see Mount Shasta's Fourth of July parade while we were down in Siskiyou County on vacation over the holiday weekend.  (More photos to come later.)  Also, I love chipmunks and squirrels.  Imagine my joy, then, when I captured this view of Chipper the California Highway Patrol -- CHP -- chipmunk.  I am far less concerned about looking "cool" than I used to be.  These things become easier with age.  Even so, I would benefit from spending more time living and less time appearing, if that makes sense.  I am glad I threw "cool" to the wind long enough to snap a great photo of Chipper.  It appears he's looking right at me!  

Even the Bible cautions us against taking ourselves too seriously.  After all, the most highly honored king this side of the King was David... noted for throwing caution, and much of his clothing, to the wind to dance with glee when the Ark of the Covenant returned to Jerusalem.  Those Pharisees, who prided themselves upon their stern adherence to the letter of the Law?  They don't seem like much fun, and neither are they presented as an example for us to follow.  Instead, we are to follow the One who attended weddings and welcomed outsiders.

All this reminds me of Matt Redman's song "Undignified."  I pray that I, too, might be willing to become "even more undignified" to live out the journey God has planned for me.


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