all is calm, all is bright

I scheduled a couple posts for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, knowing that I was unlikely to have an opportunity to write them day-of... and then promptly missed 12/26 and 12/27.  Oops.  'Tis the season.

Which leads me to my reaction to today's line: all is calm and all is bright?  I find that most of the time, I experience these as either/or.  Bright can be a delight (ha), but bright is seldom calm.  Calm, on the other hand, trends toward muted tones.

This reference to the (The) Silent Night being both calm *and* bright comes to me on a day I've been thinking once again about a vision of life that sets abundance over scarcity and collaboration over opposition.  When God enters the world, we get both/and.  God's kingdom is bigger than ours.  God can hold what we see as tension within a larger, deeper, wider realm. 

Thanks be to God!


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